Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Selfish? NOT?

Regrettin for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable?

I realize no matter how people told me they understand how I feel, somehow or rather I don't really think they will. Until unless they could have feel the pain in them when those things actually happen to them.

Have you been selfish before? I think everyone did. No matter how independent you could be or how considerate you are, one never run from being selfish. Perhaps I should say "Don't sell fish in the market!"

Two days ago I was being surprise, surprise that what had happened recently. Something who make me realize things has always been the same. People get uncontrollable towards their feelings whenever they have problems. People never change... never...

All this time, no matter what problems I have, I have to solve it myself, no matter what is my decision, I don't really care to explain, what do I have to? I guess I have the rights not to, did I? And why do you care? For the sake of winning of your guessing/assumption/being busybody and the list go on, what's the purpose?

So in the end of the day when you realize you are wrong, you could have apologized and pretend nothing happen. Well, I accept it. Mainly because, I have accept, this has been part of life... time past and things change...

If you tell me you are so called independent, yes I believe one could be, but that doesn't mean you are different, doesn't mean you could have hurt some people and in the end of the day pretend nothing happen, but at the same time show how unsatisfied you are... selfishness? no?

xo p/s~

“The one who loves the least, controls the relationship.”

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