Tuesday, August 10, 2010

listen to a sad song

Hey sweetheart~ please don't be sad. Life is always like that... it keeps on stomping on you and you can't do anything... As they say, even the people with the kindest heart will get hurt and the world has no responsibilty to protect you, even if you have a good heart or your nice... Everyone in this world gets hurt, we have to learn that we shouldn't hold love in our hands, for we may not find the strength to let it go, if it decides to leave, we should only embrace its warmth and glow while it last and freely open our arms when its time to say goodbye. We should listen to the echoes of heart and learn to let go if it doesnt last. For destiny is has its own reasons and it's our job to find it out. Why? Is it when you miss and person so much that your heart is ready to disintegrate' you will suddenly hear a sad song on the radio... :'(

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